Partial Fulfilments

  • Updated

Some integrations allow partial fulfilment. This means you can send part of the order to the customer and send the second part separately at another time.

To do this, you will need to have two settings enabled:

  1. Check if the integration supports the 'Allow Multiple Shipments per Order' setting under the integration settings on GoSweetSpot (Administration --> Integrations & Apps --> Edit). This must be set to Yes.
  2. Under your user preferences in the Basic Settings, you need to tick the 'Display table of products for integrated orders' setting.

If both of these settings are enabled, once you select an order to process from your Orders page, you will be able to select the 'Units to Send' for an order line from the packages section. Change the Units to Send to '0' to trigger a partial fulfilment (e.g. that product line will not fulfilled with this shipment).

Once you print the order, only the products/units with values greater than 1 will be fulfilled. The remaining units will re-appear in your Orders page as a partially fulfilled order. You can then send process the remainder of the order once you are ready using the same method.