FedEx is the primary carrier for international returns (NZ Post do not offer such a service).
Creating an consignment/Air Waybill (AWB) for import is done under the Returns & Imports page. By default, New Zealand will be in the country drop down list for the Sender and your business address will have automatically shifted to the receiver section - to start an importing to from country, simply select the origin country from the sender country drop down list.
Once a destination country has been selected, follow the process as described here for Returns and Imports.
Like with exporting, a key difference for consignments that are traveling internationally is the Commodities / Customs Declaration that you will notice has popped up after selecting a different country to New Zealand. This section must be filled out for both Exports and Imports and a more detailed explanation can be found here.
As described, the sender should be able to book their FedEx collection by clicking the link that has been emailed to them when you pressed Go. However, if they are having trouble booking the collection there are three alternative options (depending on the country/local FedEx regulations):
1. Under the Tracking and History page, search for the consignment and click the magnifying glass to open up a details page. At the bottom of that page is the same link to book collection that the sender would have received - you check whether or not bookings have gone through here and/or book it yourself.
2. Ask your sender to call their local FedEx to arrange a collection.
3. You can fill out the attached RPI (Return Form) form and email - we will then sign the request and email this to FedEx to request the collection. This method should only be used if the first two options have failed.
- Return Form.pdf3 MB