By default, the MYOB Exo is one way only. You can make this integration two way with some development work on your side so long as the following requirements are met. You must also inform us of these changes so we can update our end once complete.
You must already have established Search Template and Custom Table configurations with MYOB Exo. The orders are synced using Search Template logic.
If you are already using Search Template logic for the Order Syncing, you can use Custom Table logic to update the tracking details back into MYOB Exo.
The Api Path will look like the below if you are using Search Template logic in the GSS Integration Account setting where the ID number of the search template you want to use is specified.
For example:{id}
Please note, we only support port numbers '1200' and '8888'.
GSS Payload
For updating the tracking details back into MYOB Exo, GSS will post into Custom Table Endpoint:
See the below JSON example. You will need to have the exact column names below in your custom table.
"extrafields": [
"key": "SO_SEQNO",
"value": 12345
"key": "DATE",
"value": "2021-02-19"
"key": "X_TRACKNO",
"value": "ABC12345"
"key": "COST",
"value": 4.45