With GoSweetSpot, you can add your company branding to various spots that are either customer facing or for your own personalisation.
Track & Trace Emails
You can create and customise the Track and Trace emails that get sent to your customer once the package is scanned. To do this, go to Administration -> Track & Trace Settings.
Create: Click on the "Add New" button.
Edit: Click on the T&T's name link under the "Name" column.
Fill out the supplied fields with the relevant details.
When editing the "Email Body" please do not alter the text of the placeholders that are defined on the right of the page, as that information will not populate correctly if altered. The placeholders can, however, be moved, added, or deleted.
Add Logo and Branding
To add your company logo to the email, click on the "Choose File" button.
This will bring up a window where you can select your logo from your computer. Once selected and you have clicked "OK", you can then click on the "Upload" button. Once the logo is uploaded and displayed, click the check circle above the image to select the image. Your logo will be displayed in the email once you click the "save" button at the bottom of the page.
As you can see in the image above, you also have the option to add links to your social networks in the email. All you need to do is copy and paste your social networking URL/links into the relevant fields.
Once you have finished all your changes, press the blue "Save" button at the bottom left corner of the page.
Cost Centres
The tab 'Cost Centres' is where you can create and add separate brands. You can also customise the logo and return address that appears on your label (courier dependent).
If you only have one brand, you will most likely be using this page for label customization for the single brand. When you print a label you will see there are empty spaces in both the top and bottom right corners, this is where you can add your company logo and your return address.
Please see the label customization page here for further details.
To add additional brands, you need to create more cost centres. When you have multiple cost centres, a drop down box will appear titled "Cost Centres" which will be displayed under the "Delivery Instructions" field on the Create page.
A cost centre can help you separate your freight costs to different departments or stores in your invoices to differentiate between those stores/departments. If you require different invoices based on your Cost Centres, please let your Account Manager know so they can set this up for you.
To add a cost centre, click on the "Add New" button.
To edit an existing cost centre, click on the cost centre's name under the "Name" column.
Site Logo
Adding a site logo will make your company logo appear at the top-centre of the site, allowing you to add your branding to the GoSweetSpot system.
Go to Administration --> Site Settings. Here you will see a section called Site Logo. From here, you can upload your own company branding. This is not displayed to customers, but it is used to differentiate your own accounts/sites on GoSweetSpot.